The Emblem of AHEPA

The Emblem of the Order of AHEPA represents Faith, Justice, Hope, Power and Peace. Perhaps the most striking element is the Sign of the Cross. It may be meant to remind us of the burdens we have to bear and that we should imitate the Biblical example by shoring the burden of our Brothers whose cross is heavier than ours. The Cross, although associated with the sacred story of Pathos, Suffering, agony, and death, ultimately leads to Victory, Life and Peace. It meant Victory to Saint Constantine who was the first to officially adopt it as the Standard of his Empire alter he had seen the Sign of the Cross with the inscription ‘En Touto Nika.’ Back of the Cross are time ancient Hellenic swords, naked and double-edged. short and swift, they should at once remind us of the strict discipline, the swift and impartial execution of justice, obedience to lawfully constituted authority and the readiness to uphold and defend free Democratic institutions so characteristic to the Hellenic race. As long as we are amenable to the virtues exemplified by the Cross and religiously adhere to the qualities represented by the swords the, rays of Hope will always be discernible.
The spread Eagle hovering over the Cross of Faith and the swords of justice is emblematic of the protection of the divine precepts and examples of the Order of AHEPA we are privileged to enjoy. The Eagle is the king of the air. He is strong in battle, swift in triumph, end fierce in defeat. The olive branches may well attend the emblem of the AHEPA for wherever this glorious emblem is established the deluge of Ignorance. Intolerance, and Discord are dispelled and the Loyal Archons of the Order reap a bountiful harvest of useful benefits. Benefits which grow from deeply rooted fraternal relations: benefits which come from co-operation: benefits which can be attained only through the teachings of this Order; benefits that are the fruits of peaceful law-abiding and congenial lives.